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作者:时间:2023-12-22 08:33:38分类:经典句子

简介  1. 夕阳如血,天地间漫天红光。 The setting sun is like blood, with a sea of red hues spreading across the sky.2. 黄昏时分,太阳慢慢沉入地平线,融化成了一片金色的海洋。

1. 夕阳如血,天地间漫天红光。 The setting sun is like blood, with a sea of red hues spreading across the sky.

2. 黄昏时分,太阳慢慢沉入地平线,融化成了一片金色的海洋。 At dusk, the sun slowly sinks below the horizon, melting into a golden ocean.

3. 日落时分,天空被染上了橙红色的火焰,燃烧着最后的光亮。 During sunset, the sky is painted with orange-red flames, burning with the last remnants of light.

4. 橘黄色的太阳渐渐消失在天际,留下一片温暖的余晖。 The orange sun gradually disappears from the horizon, leaving behind a warm afterglow.

5. 夕阳西下,透过云层的缝隙洒下一道道金光。 As the sun sets in the west, rays of golden light shine through the gaps in the clouds.

6. 日落的时刻,天空变得宁静而祥和,仿佛时间凝固了。 During sunset, the sky becomes peaceful and serene, as if time has frozen.

7. 天边的夕阳犹如一幅绘画,将整个世界染上了美丽的色彩。 The sunset on the horizon is like a painting, casting beautiful colors upon the world.

8. 暮色降临,夕阳的余晖在云霞间跳跃,散发出温暖的气息。 Twilight falls, and the warm glow of the setting sun dances among the clouds, creating an atmosphere of warmth.

9. 天地交接处,夕阳的余晖映照着大地,仿佛一片金色的海洋。 At the meeting point of heaven and earth, the last light of the sunset illuminates the land, resembling a golden ocean.

10. 夕阳西下,天空渐渐染上了橙红色,美丽得令人心醉神迷。 As the sun sets in the west, the sky gradually turns orange-red, creating a mesmerizing and enchanting beauty.

11. 夕阳的余晖点亮了整个天空,照亮了我们前行的路。 The afterglow of the setting sun illuminates the entire sky, lighting up our path ahead.

12. 夜幕降临,夕阳的余辉化作一抹淡淡的美丽,轻轻地拥抱大地。 Night falls, and the fading light of the sunset transforms into a gentle and delicate beauty, softly embracing the earth.

13. 日落的时刻,大自然为我们展示了她最美丽的一面,让我们感受到生命和希望。 During sunset, nature shows us her most beautiful side, allowing us to feel the essence of life and hope.



